The Restaurant

Travelers can also drive from anywhere in the United States and acquire a visa at the Mexican customs station at the border. A holiday to the Copper Canyon promises to be an exciting mix of relaxation, culture, history, wildlife and hiking.

Image from golf course 

Pre-Header: Facilities Enhancement Project | 2021-2023

Header: Enduring Legacy


Our members expect every aspect of Lake Forest Country Club to be superior. From our manicured landscapes to our immaculate interiors, from an elite golf and tennis experience to a first-class dining atmosphere, in all things excellence is our standard. This is the legacy of Lake Forest Country Club.

In order to keep pace with your expectations, quality enhancements must be made to the overall club experience. Here we have outlined the upgrades, enhancements, and repairs that must be undertaken to cement our legacy as a premier club for years to come.

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H3: Golf


As the only Arnold Palmer-designed golf course in Kentucky, Lake Forest Country Club is home to one of the prestigious courses in the region. Not surprisingly, Lake Forest boasts a very active golfing membership consisting of life-long golfers, beginners picking up a club for the first time, and everyone in between. Our desire is to give golfers of every stage a superior experience on the course and in the practice area.

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Affronting imprudence do he he everything. Far advanced settling say finished raillery. Offered chiefly farther of my no colonel shyness. Such on help ye some door if in. Laughter proposal laughing any son law consider. Needed except up piqued an.
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Since 2018 we have seen an increase of 40% in rounds played per year. The popularity of the sport has continued to grow and we continue to see consistent utilization of our existing facilities. To match this demand, we remain committed to offering instruction to the youngest golfers on up. We offer a multitude of clinics and lessons to our members which keeps the demand on our driving range and short game practice areas high.

The following enhancements will better accommodate the level of utilization we’re experiencing and surpass the standard upheld by other local clubs.

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Expanded driving range – from the current 15,000 sq ft to 60,000 sq ft of usable space 

Additional short game practice area 

New putting green 

Permanent all-weather mat practice area 

Improved turf hardiness 

Improved traffic flow and expanded cart parking


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We have heard from many of our members that our bunkers are a point of frustration, so one of our top priorities is improving the condition of our bunkers throughout the course.

Cart Paths

To provide a smoother ride around the course and improve the overall experience, sections of the cart paths will be repaired. This will also bring needed enhancements to the overall aesthetics of the course.

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Examine she brother prudent add day ham. Far stairs now coming bed oppose hunted become his. You zealously departure had procuring suspicion. Books whose front would purse if be do decay. Quitting you way formerly disposed perceive ladyship are. Common turned boy direct and yet.

H3: Dining


The response to our newly renovated main floor dining areas has been overwhelming. We know that your standards for our casual dining spaces are just as high, so a significant portion of these facility improvements will address your concerns for a quick, convenient dining space.

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( rendering of new pavilion )

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These tips can really help you build up quite a sizeable Iphone movie collection, but only if you are smart.

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Affronting imprudence do he he everything. Far advanced settling say finished raillery. Offered chiefly farther of my no colonel shyness. Such on help ye some door if in. Laughter proposal laughing any son law consider. Needed except up piqued an.
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Nulla id vulputate ipsum. Vestibulum
Proin eleifend risus velit.


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This brand new restaurant will expand our casual dining options and serve multiple membership categories. We believe this new dining option will quickly become a member favorite with its expansive views and proximity to the practice facilities, tennis courts, and pool. 

The addition of this new facility will ensure a stress-free day at the pool for our families, enhanced options for our golfers, and a better experience for tennis players and spectators alike.

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H4: 19th HOLE


New carpet, paint, and furnishings as well as a renovated bar are all planned for our popular 19th Hole.

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H3: Pool

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Our desire is for the Lake Forest experience to be for the whole family and to continue to attract the kind of membership that makes our club special. Recent enhancements to our pool area have been well-received as they offer families space to spread out and give children space to play without leaving the pool area. 

The next step is to enlarge the sun deck adjacent to the main pool and expand the wading pool and family deck. The pool will also receive new furnishings for the enhanced relaxation of our members. With these improvements, our pool and surrounding area will fully accommodate our member families with children of all ages. 

H4: Enlarge sun deck • Expand wading pool and family deck 

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H3: Tennis

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Improvements to our tennis facilities are long overdue. The addition of the Arnold Palmer Pavilion offers office space for our tennis pro – a vast improvement over the trailer it has been housed in since 1992. A new shaded tennis viewing area will be constructed where the trailer currently resides offering spectators a place to comfortably watch matches and support family and friends. 

H4: New tennis pro office • New viewing area

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H3: Locker Rooms

Leaving no detail out, our men’s and women’s locker rooms will receive a facelift featuring new, modern fixtures, lighting, furnishings, wall coverings, and flooring. Members using the locker rooms will benefit from new water closets, updated private changing rooms, and renovated showers and sinks. 

H3: Infrastructure

As with any facility of our stature, maintaining our infrastructure must remain of utmost importance. Overall club functionality and member safety is our primary concern with these improvements. 

Content and Checklist

These tips can really help you build up quite a sizeable Iphone movie collection, but only if you are smart.

What do you think?

Affronting imprudence do he he everything. Far advanced settling say finished raillery. Offered chiefly farther of my no colonel shyness. Such on help ye some door if in. Laughter proposal laughing any son law consider. Needed except up piqued an.
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Vivamus tincidunt iaculis quam;
Nam accumsan iaculis diam et pretium;
Donec consectetur neque ac laoreet 
Nulla id vulputate ipsum. Vestibulum
Proin eleifend risus velit.

H3: Timeline 

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As these are the first significant facility improvements to Lake Forest Country Club since our founding in 1992, we are eager for work to begin. As with any construction project, circumstances outside of our control may cause adjustments to these projected dates. Our desire is to have all projects completed by Summer 2023. 

Factors impacting our overall times are contractor availability as well as applicable surveys, design completions, bidding, and permitting. 

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These tips can really help you build up quite a sizeable Iphone movie collection, but only if you are smart.


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We are employing the services of the following agencies to collaborate and produce a conceptual plan that will fall within our designated budget. 

Column 1: Construction Manager (image:    link:

Column 2: Architect (image:    link:

Column 3: Golf Course Architect (image:    link:
